
Ryoko Fujiwara has come to OK studio and started to offer her lessons to most of the vocal students from January this year.

She has an outstanding career as both a vocalist and a voice instructor. After graduated from Tamagawa University (voice major), she released her first album from Sea Bird Records and has recorded some albums and singles on different labels. On the other hand, she has been performing on a large number of live music stages not only domestically but also internationally, especially in Cambodia and US; in New York, she performed on her own live stages while studying high-level vocal performance skills under Brvon Neal and Serina Miyazaki.

The vocal class students of our school tended to rely on sheet music even at Happyo-kai, our annual concert, that's because the former instructor in charge always taught them by using sheet music until last year; however, Ryoko seldom uses sheet music while teaching, she just uses karaoke downloaded to iPhone. I've never seen pop and/or rock music vocalists look at the sheet music on their stages, they always look towards audience. I do want the vocal students not to read the sheet music at least on stage.
by Ko Ito


ヴォーカル科の女子中学生たちはポップスやロックばかり歌うわりにはステージでおとなしいのが残念だった。今後は今までの先生に鍛えてもらった音程の良さも活かしつつ、ステージでもっと積極的に聴衆にアピールするパフォーマンスを学んでほしい。僕などはレベッカの世代だから、バンドのヴォーカリストというとNokkoみたいにステージ上で飛び跳ねて踊るイメージがある。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TTXS-CJMX4 なかなかあんなまねはできないだろうけど、ステージ上ではスターになって輝いてほしい!がんばれ中学生!
